Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello internet people today has bee a well, interesting kind of day...a little on the boring side considering that today was a holiday (for those of you who don't know it was Labor Day) I mean we had beautiful weather, if at all you consider rain, flash flood, warnings and tornado watches beautiful. besides that I think Lucien had more fun than anyone else, why you ask well because they have been having a Star Trek Marathon on the tele all day and he is dare I say...a Treky. So yes I have been here watching this weirdness (sorry if you are a Treky I just can't get down with that lol) But anywho I spent most of the day preparing the little women for school in the a.m. you know hair, clothes, anything else you can think of. I have also been trying to get the other blog page I have up for my girls mostly pertaining to hair care and styles it's still a work in progress but if you get a chance check it out  Anyway this was jusst supposed to be a short little check in post, I may come back later then again I still have 3 more heads to finish, so until later.....LATER!!!!.

1 comment:

  1. Don't fill up our blog with advertisements for your blog! Lol
